Monday 6 March 2017

5 Brexit Lies.

There was no doubt about it, the campaign leading up to the Brexit referendum was one of the worst, most damaging and deceitful in British history, but why?...........Why did the leave campaign see fit to tell over 60 downright lies to voters? The reason why is simple....Power. But I will deal with this in a later post.

Here are the 5 top lies with explanations of the truth (with the Facts).

Turkey will join EU in 2020

Michael Gove said that Turkey is about to join Europe. What he didn't say is that it would first need to prove it is a modern European democracy. That means ticking 35 boxes on everything from human rights to the economy. Even then, we or any of the other 27 members could just say no.
Turkey applied to join nearly 30 years ago, in 1987. Since, then it has ticked just one of the 35 boxes. At this rate, it will join the EU in 986 years.  In the year 3002.

We always get outvoted in Brussels

Boris Johnson said, we always get bossed around by Brussels because we keep getting outvoted. Since 1999, we’ve been on the losing side 56 times in the EU’s Council. What Boris didn't say is how many times we’ve been on the winning side, 2,466 times,  2,466 to 56 is a good score in any sport.

EU needs us more than we need it

Boris Johnson said we’ll get a good trade deal with the European Union because Germany wants to sell us BMWs. What he didn't say is that our exports to the EU are 13% of our economy, while their exports to us are only 3% of their economy. So, we’d be the big losers from a trade war. We need them more than they need us.
Boris also didn't say that many foreign firms, like Nissan, set up shop in Britain because we are a gateway to sell stuff to the whole EU.

We send £350m a week to Brussels.

Boris Johnson said we send £350 million a week to Brussels. But it isn’t true. Margaret Thatcher, famously brandishing her handbag, secured a discount on our payment to the European Union. Funny that Boris, a fans of Maggie’s, had forgotten that.
When you take account of Maggie’s discount and money that comes back to Britain from the EU, our membership costs 30 pence per person per day. That’s half the price of a Mars bar. And we get way more than 30 pence a day back in benefits.

Leaving EU would save the NHS

Boris Johnson and Michael Gove said quitting Europe would save the NHS because we’d get fewer migrants and stop sending money to Brussels. What they didn't say is that, we’d lose full access to Europe’s market. That’s responsible for half our trade.
Boris and Gove also didn't tell you that EU migrants support the NHS. They pay more in taxes than they use public services – partly because they are younger than Brits. What’s more, one in 10 doctors is an EU migrant.

Sad isn't it........ but what is even sadder is that some people genuinely believed it and still do, or are so embarrassed by the way they voted that they wont come clean. but the worst thing is that Brexiteers say this 'The remain camp also told lies', this is even worse than believing the untruths, because they don't care about the lies, they are happy for our country to be worse off. And who will be the worst off of all, a huge chunk of the public who voted leave.....a sad irony!

Jon Davis

Credit - Thanks to INfacts for the figures.


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