Thursday 16 March 2017

The Dutch people see sense!

Geert Wilders’s promise to bring a populist “revolution” to Europe fell flat on Wednesday night after his anti-immigrant Party for Freedom failed to live up to supporters’ expectations in a closely-watched Dutch general election.

The possibility that the far-Right firebrand could become the largest party in the Dutch parliament had sent tremors through Europe’s political establishment in recent days fearing yet further destabilisation following the UK vote for Brexit and the election of Donald Trump.

In the event Mr Wilders won just 20 seats, according to several exit polls, and was soundly beaten by Mark Rutte, the incumbent centre-Right Dutch prime minister, whose VVD Party was on track to becoming the largest party in the Netherlands 150-seat parliament with 33 seats.

So what does this mean for Brexit?

Well quite a lot, it makes it harder for the UK to strike any kind of meaningful deal with the EU, in what was going to be impossible anyway. Especially as they will be one of the Major countries that has a vote on any deal that we demand...sorry, negociate. and don't forget 20 out of the 27 countries remaining in the EU have to vote through any deal.

What does this mean for the EU?

France goes to the polls next month to elect a new president, with the far right National Front forecast to increase its vote dramatically.

In Germany, the populist Alternative for Germany (AfD) may win seats in parliament for the first time in September's general election.
Mr Rutte's victory was warmly greeted by other European leaders and politicians:
  • French President Francois Hollande said he had won a "clear victory against extremism"
  • German Chancellor Angela Merkel congratulated Mr Rutte and her chief of staff, Peter Altmaier, tweeted: "The Netherlands, oh the Netherlands you are a champion! Congratulations on this great result"
  • Martin Schulz, president of the European Parliament until earlier this year, said he was relieved the Freedom Party had lost. "We must continue to fight for an open and free Europe!" he added on Twitter.
So far its just us that have lost the plot, next stop....The French elections.

Jon Davis

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