Friday 17 March 2017

Newspaper headlines of the week. Fri 17th march 2017.

Welcome to the rundown of the best and worst newspaper headlines of the week, I hope to make this a weekly feature every Friday. We have 4 papers for you today.

The FT from Thursday lead with the embarrassing U turn on the Budget and really does point to this administrations competence at being able to negotiate their way out of a paper bag, let alone the complexities of a Brexit deal. It also deals with the embarrassment of Phillip Hammond.

The Daily Telegraph on thursday also lead with The Budget U turn, dealing with the fact that Hammond didn't even realise that he had breached their own manifesto promise, until the BBC told him!!

The Express this week spouted its usual utter rubbish regarding the queen signing off the Brexit bill, stating that 'its the moment Britain has been waiting for'? which is a lie. God this paper is awful.

And finally todays Guardian goes with Theresa Mays outrageous blocking of a Scottish referendum, stating that she has sealed the fate of the UK.

More next Friday.

Jon Davis

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