Wednesday 8 March 2017

Is this the end for the NHS as we know it?

As we all know, the NHS is in serious trouble, decades of mis-management, mis-funding and underfunding have left it in a dire place, so what is to become of it? And is Brexit going to make it better, worse or something else?

When it comes to the NHS, everyone has an opinion on it, and quite rightly so, it is seen as a bastion of national identity, a humanitarian service that provides free healthcare without prejudice and is still seen around the world as a shining light of the way healthcare is provided, just ask Barack Obama, who tried desperately to implement similar services in the US.

Some people say that it needs lots of money, some people say it needs better management and some people say that we should start charging etc. etc. You will also hear them cry, 'there are too many immigrants and it cant cope'! this last one is just plain wrong and really doesn't warrant even bothering about, suffice to say that the vast majority of immigrants actually work and pay their taxes just like anyone else and only equate to 9% of the total population anyway so it definitely isn't immigrants that are causing the problem.

And this is the predicament, it isn't just one issue, it is many, decades of short term fixes for what is a long term mess, successive governments wanting to be seen to be doing the right thing quickly and not tackling the root of the problem.

So what will Brexit mean for this?

We all know about the Lies that were told about the so called £350 Million a week for the NHS, so obviously we know that this wont happen. so what extra money will the NHS have? the answer is none, nothing, zilch. In fact if the Hard Brexit goes ahead the way that Mrs May and her bunch of lap dogs want not only will we have less money for the NHS than we currently do, we will also lose 10% of the staff, as these are the Immigrants that are apparently clogging up the system!! Not only this but £60 billion pounds is being syphoned off the treasury to pay for Brexit as announced only this week by our esteemed chancellor. If you are reading this before todays Budget, then this figure and article may have to be amended depending on that.

This leads me to my theory on what will happen to the NHS under this government.

It will be privatised, bit by bit. Mental health, Equipment purchase, Social Care, Ambulance operations, Accident and emergency - some of it by the back door and some of it blatantly, and the government have a perfect ruse in which to do so - Brexit.

One of the reasons that the government is pursuing a hard Brexit is to provide a perfect foil for placing the NHS in to private hands, or major parts of it. With continued cuts and austerity that the chancellor is proposing plus the overall cost and timescale of Brexit negotiation, we simply cant afford the NHS as it is, now that the referendum has gone the way of leaving the EU. In fact we cant afford it at the moment, already this year there is a 2.5 billion pound overspend based on the allowed budget. and that's before we have even triggered article 50. I suspect there will be a small token amount plugging of the gap, just to make it look like something has been done.

And when the country is up in arms about privatising the NHS, then it can be said that, its the fault of Europe for not giving as a great deal and the Lords for not letting us have the ability to turn down a bad deal etc. etc. Blah blah!!

You heard it here first.

Jon Davis

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