Monday 6 March 2017


Welcome to Brexit Ramblings.

I have created this blog quite simply because I refuse to be silenced on my stance that leaving the EU, Single Market and Customs union is a bad idea, a very bad idea. Putting it in a blog will allow people to decide whether or not read it, rather than plastering it all over social media, i.e Facebook. But the links will still be available on Facebook. I will be willing to bet that if you are reading this as a staunch Brexiteer, you will come up with all sorts of reasons why you wont read on, but the usual one will be the same, a blinkered and obtuse view of what is really happening, but I would like to be proved wrong.

I believe (based on facts, research, experience and many years of interest in the topics of politics, socio economic geography and pure applied economics), that not only is Brexit bad for the UK, that it is bad for Europe and indeed the world as a whole. Add to this other issues, such as Donald Trump in the US, the French presidential elections, instability in the middle east and the threat of Putin's Russia and many other issues and we are in for a very rough ride indeed, and that is putting it politely.

In this blog you will find opinion on all things related to Brexit, this will sometimes include sections or parts of other articles and these will always be credited, this opinion will be fact based, not lies or intentional falsehoods that you will find in the quitters .....sorry Brexiteers camp.

So if you are still interested, then read on.

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