Thursday 16 March 2017

What on earth is Jeremy Corbyn doing!!!

What is worse than a government bulldozing a Hard Brexit through court and parliament with no idea what they are doing?

The answer is....yes you've guessed it, someone who had the ability to do something about it and doesn't!!!

Jeremy Corbyn! Elected by the Labour party faithful to be a strong opposition leader with forthright views, morals and the ability to hold the government to account, unfortunately he is none of these things and in my opinion he is possibly the worst party leader of any party in history, strong words, I know, but I will explain why.

Being a keen follower of politics, I was interested in finding out about Mr Corbyn when his name was thrown into the hat as a possible leadership contender following the ousting of Ed Milliband after the 2015 general election, what I saw was an idealist who had no credentials whatsoever to lead a major political party, let alone Her majesties opposition.

The thing is, British politics only works if you have strong opposition holding the government of the day to account, it stops it becoming a dictatorship and gives a voice to everyone in the country by challenging unfair decisions, that's democracy in action. Granted we have The Liberal Democrats, who are doing a pretty good job of asking the difficult questions, but at present they have a very small number of seats in parliament and therefore hold little clout, although I think this will change. And the SNP, who are doing a pretty sterling job (forgive the pun).

There is a very long list of awful decisions and (for want of a better phrase) cock ups, that Corbyn has either done himself or presided over, this list is just to long to discuss so I will just discuss his latest pathetic offering.

We all know about Corbyn's whipping of his own politicians to vote for the Brexit bill, that he didn't agree with?? Which is very strange because he said that he wanted to 'Do politics differently' with 'no emphasis on power and corruption' and 'standing up for what he believes' and 'what is right for the country' etc. etc. The list goes on. The thing is, Corbyn is a far left socialist (a communist), or that's what he wants to be and he likes being the dictator of his band of incompetents, so, in order to hang on to any power, he thought that he would pander to the  marginally larger percentage of the voters instead of sticking to his principles, so much for 'no emphasis on power and corruption'.

So after, whipping his party to vote for the Brexit bill with absolutely no opposition at all from the labour benches, you would think he would be championing Brexit, saying what a splendid thing it is!! This isn't the case!! In what has to be the most nonsensical rhetoric I have ever heard, he then starts campaigning against Brexit and the triggering of article 50, I mean you couldn't invent it!!

In other words, instead of making proper grown up decisions in parliament, where it really counts, he hid from it, then makes a big show of being against it after the horse has beggars belief.

But the best is saved for last...On Monday 13th March, (one day after the Brexit bill was passed), Mr Corbyn announced a rally....yes, a rally, to object to the amendments to the bill in defending EU citizens living in the UK. The Labour leader had called for supporters to join him at the event in Parliament Square on Monday evening to "defend the rights of EU citizens who have made a life here.". How marvellous.........But he didn't show up to his own rally!!!!!!

I rest my case.

Jon Davis

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